L’intelligence Smart Lighting au service de l’éclairage en extérieur.

Our business units - LACROIX City

LACROIX City, a Major Player in Smart Mobility

A manufacturer and designer of smart road solutions for communities and businesses, LACROIX City directs, optimises and secures the flow of vehicles and people with one ultimate goal: shared use of the streets and roads, taking into account the needs of all users and operators. An innovative player in French industry, LACROIX City draws on its 70 years of expertise to design, manufacture and market its products and services.


Street Lighting Business Unit

Road signs Business Unit

Smart Lighting intelligence for outdoor lighting  .

street lighting


Combining innovation, elegance and safety for an appealing and protected town.

road sign



Traffic Business Unit

V2X Business Unit

An expert in traffic management and regulation equipment.


Innovative equipment and systems to support connected or autonomous mobility.

v2x Division
