En 2040, nous serons plus de 5 milliards d’hommes et de femmes à vivre dans les villes. Le progrès technologique, la digitalisation et l’urbanisation sont autant de mutations qui transforment profondément nos territoires et nos modes de vie. Pollution, congestion, densification et raréfaction des ressources sont les challenges auxquels nous devons faire face.

Chez LACROIX City, nous relevons le défi des collectivités et gestionnaires d’infrastructures ; et accueillons ces mutations comme autant d’opportunités pour garantir l’attractivité des villes territoires et vous accompagner dans la transition vers une mobilité plus intelligente. C’est pourquoi nous développons chaque jour des cas d’usages pour répondre à vos besoins.

Encouraging Active Mobility

Encouraging Active Mobility

Improving road safety requires a comprehensive approach to encourage interaction between users, vehicles and infrastructure. LACROIX City equips towns and territories astutely, so as to effectively manage all of the various users, safely, both day and night. Whatever the traffic conditions, the direction and continuity of flows are ensured thanks to our solutions.



Enhanced Attractiveness and Safer Towns and Territories

Enhanced Attractiveness and Safer Towns and Territories

Public authorities must ensure the well-being and quality of life of the population, creating safe and pleasant public spaces and attracting economic activity.

A safe road network, shared between all users, contributes to enhancing the attractiveness and safety of roads and territories.


Fight against congestion and pollution

Luchar contra los atascos y la contaminación:

Citizens are spending more and more time in traffic jams. This congestion leads to a deterioration in quality of life, economic inefficiency and an unprecedented increase in pollution. The impacts on the climate and public health are significant.

To remedy this, LACROIX City offers products and solutions that optimise vehicle flows, making better use of road infrastructure and limiting all forms of pollution (atmospheric, light and sound).


Improving Road Safety

Improving Road Safety

Improving road safety requires a comprehensive approach to encourage interaction between users, vehicles and infrastructure. LACROIX City equips towns and territories astutely, so as to effectively manage all of the various users, safely, both day and night. Whatever the traffic conditions, the direction and continuity of flows are ensured thanks to our solutions.


Making Public Transport More Efficient

Making Public Transport More Efficient

The government aims to convince motorists to use their cars less and use public transport as much as possible. This modal shift will help fight congestion and reduce pollution.

A change of modality requires that there be quality public transport that is reliable, fast, comfortable, and that provides optimal destination information for travellers. At LACROIX City, we develop solutions and ongoing use cases that enable urban communities to achieve these goals.


Optimising Investment and Operating Costs

Optimising Investment and Operating Costs

Local authorities are facing ever-expanding obligations and declining resources, so their budgetary equation is never simple. At LACROIX City, we offer reliable, autonomous and sustainable products combined with energy management solutions that optimise investment budgets while at the same time limiting operating costs.
